报告题目:Learning Graph Neural Networks with Limited Knowledge
主讲人:Shirui Pan,澳大利亚Monash大学高级讲师
Recent years have witnessed a wide range of applications (e.g., social networks, citation networks, and biological networks) where the data exhibits complex relations and inter-dependency among objects. Graph neural networks (GNNs) have recently emerged as a new learning paradigm for many graph analytics tasks such as classification, clustering, and link prediction. Learning graph neural networks typically requires sufficient human knowledge of graph structure data and label information. In this talk, I will introduce our recent research on mitigating the human knowledge required by GNNs. I will introduce our unsupervised graph structure learning method (WWW-22) for graphs with missing or noisy structure. Next, I will talk about our research on learning GNNs with limited label information with using graph self/semi-supervised learning frameworks.
潘世瑞,澳大利亚基金委ARC Future Fellow (2021年全澳信息学部仅5人入选)。现任蒙纳士大学(Monash University)数据科学与人工智能系高级讲师(相当于北美副教授),人工智能研究生主任。连续两年入选全球AAAI/IJCAI最具影响力学者(2022澳洲仅3人入选),入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单 (2021), 获得2021蒙纳士大学信息技术学院研究卓越奖(早期研究者)。指导学生获得数据挖掘会议ICDM 最佳学生论文奖(2020),获得2020年JCDL会议最佳论文提名奖。在NeurIPS、ICML、KDD、TPAMI、TKDE等发表高水平论文150篇。同时担任TPAMI, TNNLS, TKDE, TCYB等领域期刊审稿人,任IJCAI, AAAI, KDD, WWW, CVPR 等(高级)程序委员会委员。谷歌学术引用9000次。主要研究方向为数据挖掘、机器学习,侧重于图数据学习与分析。过去3年其研究受到澳大利亚基金委(Australian Research Council), 澳大利亚国防科技部(Defence Science and Technology Group),美卓奥图泰 (Metso Outotec)等资助,累计金额170万澳元。潘世瑞长期从事图数据挖掘与学习研究,其领导的实验室 GRAND Lab 包括博士后、博士生、研究生近20人,是澳大利亚最大的专注于图机器学习的实验室。GRAND Lab在图神经网络及其在异常检测、推荐系统、时序分析、交通预测、知识图谱等方面进行了广泛研究。研究工作受到国际同行学者广泛关注,其关于图神经网络的综述文章《A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks》发表于IEEE TNNLS 2021, 引用高达3000+。发表于KDD, IJCAI, AAAI, CIKM等顶级会议的共7篇文章被评为最具影响力论文(Most Influential Papers)。
邀请人:计算机科学与技术系 范晓亮