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【海韵讲座】2023年第51期-Graph Algorithm and Machine Learning for Deep Sequencing Data Analysis
发布时间:2023年10月23日 09:59 点击:

报告题目:Graph Algorithm and Machine Learning for Deep Sequencing Data Analysis

主讲人: 蒲莲容 特拉维夫大学博士后研究员




Viruses and plasmids are part of microbial communities and play a major role in disease and in antibiotic resistance. In metagenome sequence assembly, identifying virus and plasmid contigs is a hard task, since they tend to form shorter contigs and are overwhelmed by a larger mass of bacterial contigs. In this talk, I will present 3CAC, a new classifier that builds on existing classifiers and exploits the structure of assembly graph for the classification of contigs into bacterial, viral, plasmidic, and unknown contigs. In simulated and real metagenomes of short and long reads, 3CAC outperformed the state of the art algorithms. Additionally, I will briefly introduce 4CAC, the first 4-way classifier that are able to further classify chromosome contigs into eukaryotic or prokaryotic.


Lianrong Pu is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Tel Aviv University. She received her PhD from Shandong University in 2018. She was also a visiting PhD student at UC San Diego. Her PhD thesis received ACM SIGBIO Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2019. She also received the PBC Fellowship for outstanding postdoctoral researchers from the Israeli Council for higher education. Her research interest is in algorithm development in computational genomics and computational theory. Her research work has been published in top journals and conferences, including Genome Research, Bioinformatics, and RECOMB.

邀请人:计算机科学与技术系 刘向荣教授

主讲人 蒲莲容 特拉维夫大学博士后研究员 主持人
时间 2023-10-24 10:00:00 报告题目
首作者 People
职称 联系电话
邮箱 研究方向
主讲人简介 地点 翔安校区西部片区1号楼108
办公室 研究院