ADI公司高层讲座:The Connected Digital Home business/product opportunities
ADI公司是全球知名的芯片制造商,是信号处理领域的创新者和领导者。ADI的半导体、混合信号、数字信号处理IC作为基础器件被广泛用于转换、控制和声、光、电、温度、运动、压力转换为数字信号的设备之中。其DSP数字信号处理器和BlackFin消费类芯片系列享誉业内,拥有仅次于Intel的市场影响力。此次MIKHAEL (MIKE) HAIDAR先生远从印度ADI总部前来,带来ADI公司捐赠给我校的最先进的嵌入式开发设备,并为我校广大师生介绍嵌入式产业的最新趋势。欢迎广大师生参与、交流!
PS. 参与者有机会抽取主办方提供的精美奖品!
Surprise: First fifty audiences will get a souvenir. And a lottery will be held.
The changes that are taking place in the consumer AV market segment.
The role of the internet and the service providers and impact on products being developed for home multimedia and communication.
Mike Haidar, Director- Digital Home in Analog Devices DSP Division & General Manager of the Software & Systems Technology (SST) Group at Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), combines vision for technical trends with strong entrepreneurial skills. Haidar formed the SST ( software and systems technology group ) in the mid-1990s to focus on developing chipsets, software, systems, and reference designs aimed at different vertical markets worldwide, including consumer audio/video, Voice over IP, video conferencing, portable media players etc.
Haidar joined ADI 28 years ago, Managed business development in China, Korea, Taiwan, India, and what was then called the Rest of World. Since starting and leading the SST Division, Haidar was the pioneer in establishing a new business model that brought together ADI and Third Party Partners around the world especially in India.
Leveraging the local engineering talent, Haidar established several groups with the domain expertise to develop products for various vertical market using ADI’s Integrated Circuits. Nearly a dozen companies were formed as an outcome of this partnership model
Haidar received both his bachelor and master’s degrees in engineering from Northeastern University (Boston) in 1978.