讲座题目: Personal Life Archives, the Memex Vision Realized
主讲人:都柏林城市大学计算机科学学院Cathal Gurrin博士
时间: 5月21号(周一)下午 4:00-5:30
地点: 海韵办公楼306会议室
Cathal Gurrin博士简介
Cathal Gurrin is the SFI Stokes lecturer at the School of Computing at Dublin City University, Ireland and a visiting researcher at the University of Tromso, Norway. Cathal is the director of the Human Media Archives research group at Dublin City University as well as being a collaborating investigator in the CLARITY Centre for Sensor Web Technologies. His research interests are centered on Information Access to Personal Life Archives, Multimodal HCIR and Information Retrieval in general. He has been an active lifelogger since mid-2006 and has amassed a large archive of almost ten million sensecam images and is actively developing search and organization technologies for Personal Life Archives. He is the author of more than 75 academic publications and has recently hosted the 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval in Dublin, Ireland.
Cathal Gurrin博士讲座纲要
In this talk he will introduce and motivate the concept of maintaining personal life archives, which are set to revolutionize our personal lives, healthcare, learning and productivity in the coming years. Since the seminal paper 'As We May Think' by Vannevar Bush in the 1940s, the concept of a personal life archive (the memex) has been spoken about. Yet only now, with the convergence of technical progress in three fields; data sensing, data storage and information retrieval/data mining, care we in a position to finally realize the Bush's vision of the memex.
He will discuss his own motivation for gathering a Personal Life Archive as well as what he has learned from this process. He will motivate and describe the technical challenges to be addressed and introduce the research to address these challenges, research that points to the potential advances when cognitive science meets computer science. Finally, he will introduce the Senseseer platform, in development within DCU, which aims to efficiently gather a flexible and extensible Personal Life Archive. His experiences motivate this talk, as well as a passion for researching the technical challenges of Personal Life Archives.