IEEE fellow, 台湾逢甲大学张真诚教授将于明天(3月13日)来我院作讲座。以下是讲座具体信息。
讲座题目:Embedding Secrets Using Magic Matrices
讲座地点:科研一号楼 310 鉴赏厅
FELLOW)與英國電機工程師學會 会士(IETFELLOW)。曾獲台灣第一屆十大傑出資訊人才獎、資訊榮譽獎章、青年獎章、龍騰十傑獎、傑出電機工程教授獎、傑出工程教授獎、中山學術著作獎、連續五屆國科會傑出研究獎、東元科技獎、李遠哲傑出人才講座、潘文淵研究傑出獎、美國Journal
of Systems and Software期刊全球前十五名系統與軟體工程領域頂尖學者獎、美國Pattern Recognition Letters期刊論文最佳引文(Top Cited)獎、國科會傑出特約研究獎、台灣資訊學會資訊獎章、亞洲信息安全終身成就獎。此外,各國學術機講授與名譽教授、顧問教授、特聘教授、講席教授、榮譽教授、客座教授、名譽主任、名譽理事長、榮譽顧問、榮譽講座、傑出校友、特約研究員等榮銜,並發表信息科學著作數百餘篇和學術專書三十餘冊。
Title: Embedding Secrets Using Magic Matrices
Steganography is the science of secret message delivery using cover media. A digital image is a flexible medium used to carry a secret message because the slight modification of a cover image is hard to distinguish by human eyes. In this talk, I will introduce three methods: Kim et al.'s method, Zhang and Wang’s method and Sudoku solutions. A selected Sudoku
solution is used to guide cover pixels’ modification in order to imply secret data. Because the number of possible Sudoku solutions is very large, the proposed method is more secure than Kim et al.'s method and Zhang andWang’s method. From the experimental results, the visual quality of stego images produced by the Sudoku method is higher than 44 dB in average, which is slightly less than that of related works; however, the embedding capacity of the proposed method is 1.5 bit per pixel, which is greater than that of the related works.