【海韵讲座第31场】ISPRS院士Wolfgang Förstner来我院讲座
发布时间:2012-12-18 点击:



讲座人:Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Förstner,ISPRS院士,德国伯恩大学摄影测绘系主任、教授


TopicSemantic Segmentation

Abstract: Though the notion 'image segmentation' is not uniquely defined nor are there generally accepted criteria for a good segmentation it is an important mid-level step in image analysis. The talk discusses the basic problems with performing bottom up image segmentation and describes an efficient algorithm for partitioning images or triangulated surfaces. Goal driven segmentation is based on the task, which avoids some of the conceptual drawbacks of generic segmentation. An example for such a semantic segmentation procedure is described and demonstrated.